Horn Headband

Sometimes a set of horns is just what you need to pull an outfit together. In this case, these were horns for a Krampus party. 

Don't want to read? Here's a video!

If photos and text are better, carry on:

Shoutout to Lost Wax, I used one of his templates for this.

Photo of pieces cut from foam
Paper pattern transferred to 5mm foam and cut out

Collage of horn gluing progression
Letters and registration marks matched to glue the horns together! I used hot glue, but contact glue would also work (I was not patient enough for contact glue)

Photo of horn pieces glued together
The horns are glued together. Now to decorate them!

Photo of horn with some added clay for texture
Applying foam clay (love this stuff!) to the horns like Kamui Cosplay does here

Photo of one clay-covered horn and one plain foam
One down, one to go

Photo of two horns with clay texture
Horns sculpted, now to make them wearable

Photo of horns on headband
I used circles of 2mm foam sheet with two slits cut across the middle to secure the horns to a headband

Photo of horns on headband with ribbon hiding the base of the horns
Then the bases of the horns were hidden by hot gluing down some black satin ribbon

Photo of horns on headband with fake flowers added
Hot glue on some fake flowers and we're done!

Photo of finished horns being worn


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