Princess Carolyn (and BoJack)

Making a BoJack costume is easy*: horse head mask, blue sweater with Xs and lines drawn on, gray sports coat, jeans, red converse. Princess Carolyn looks simple, but took a bit more effort. The hardest part was finding a dress with the right cut in the right color.

*I know the mane and face colors aren't exact, if this were going to be a con costume instead of just Halloween we'd put more effort into making it accurate.

Costume base: green sheath dress (aimed for teal, but everything I found had the wrong cut or more embellishments)

Then I used the Cricut to make a bunch of fish out of heat transfer vinyl

and ironed them on.

Add on a yellow cardigan (minus the cuffs) and red pumps, and we have the basics.

The necklace was made out of craft foam painted gold with a dot of red glitter glue in the center.

Bubblegum pink spray for the hair, pink clip-on ears, and cat makeup.

I wish I'd taken more pictures of the hair and makeup, it looks simple enough but there was some trail and error to get there.

Hair: teased the back a little and tried not to brush it all out again, separated out a bit of the front into two chunks, one on front of the other. The back one was teased as much as possible, the front laid over it for a smoother appearance, and both were put into a little curl and bobby pinned in place.

Makeup: cat eye eyeliner (obviously), green eyeshadow on the lids since she has green eyes, pink on the brow bone since she has pink fur, blush on the cheeks, brown eyeliner for the nose and upper lip, mouth lines, and whiskers


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