The group voted on costume themes and we went with Star Wars. I debated between a twi'lek and a tauntaun , ultimately deciding that I'd rather make horns than head tentacles, and a creature from an ice planet would be more in line with the northeast Halloween weather than a member of a race known for their tendency to skimp on clothing. If you're not familiar, a tauntaun is the thing that they ride on the ice planet; the moment in the movie that tends to stick with people is the scene in which Han Solo slices open the carcass of one and shoves Luke inside so he wouldn't freeze to death overnight. This scene was very upsetting to me as a kid, so I have mixed feelings about referencing it in the costume plan, but I couldn't not. It's just too good a setup. Overall plan: light gray, tan/gold accents. Coverage somewhere between bikini and fur suit . Headwear I started with a light gray wig from Arda and made some ears and horns to clip in. Ears ...